Benefits Check-Up. This website sponsored by the National Council on Aging is set up to help you find what state, federal and local government health and financial programs are avail
Medline Plus – Caregivers. This resource is loaded with information to help a caregiver with coping, specific conditions, aging-related issues and financial issues. It also offers a section on aging research, dictionaries and glossaries related to aging.
Family Caregiver Alliance. This site offers information and resources for those family members caring for loved ones. (Tracy)
American Medical Association. Aging and Community Health – Addresses caregiver health issues, and family caregiving issues. Also gives caregivers an assessment tool to identify if they are in need of medical services.
Paying For Seniors. The website and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool were created by the American Elder Care Research Organization and are owned and maintained by leading senior care referral company Caring, LLC. Thier mission is to help individuals plan and implement senior care. The website is designed to help families and caregivers locate information about senior care resources for their loved ones, and to find the public and private programs available to assist in covering the cost of such care.
Dementia Care Practice Recommendations for Professionals Working in a Home Setting. The latest in a series of dementia care practice recommendations offered by the Alzheimer’s Association. This manual offers best practice recommendations for professionals providing care in a home setting. The recommendations represent the latest research as well as the experience of care experts.
Selected Caregiver Assessment Measures: A Resource Inventory for Practitioners. Given the current interest in caregiver assessment across health and social service settings, it seemed fitting to update the caregiver assessment measures for the next generation of deployment in the field. As health care continues to move into home setting, it is important to assess not only the knowledge, skills and capacity of the caregiver to provide care but also to address caregiver well-being and health in order to prevent more serious health problems for families in the long-term.
Person With Disability Parking/License Plate Application.
Which End of Life Form is Needed: POLST or DNR.
Dementia | Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes, Treatments.
4 Red Flags to Look for During Holiday Visits.
Caregiver Anxiety, Stress and Worry.
10 Common Signs of Hearing Loss in Seniors.
Caregiving During the Holidays.
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