Ashley Auel, BSN, RN, BCPA
Geriatric Care Manager
Ashley brings over 20 years of experience as a Registered Nurse to her work as a Geriatric Care Manager. She has worked in a variety of healthcare settings and roles, including pediatric critical care, outpatient care coordination, clinic management, and private patient advocacy. Throughout her career, she has always found the most joy in connecting with patients and families, and being there to support them when they experience difficult situations.
In 2020, Ashley’s grandmother experienced an unexpected hospitalization. Ashley stepped in to help her family communicate with the hospital team and advocate for her grandmother to ensure safe care and a safe discharge plan. She wanted to help other patients and families get the care and support they need and deserve, so she became a certified patient advocate (BCPA).
In her role as an Independent Patient Advocate, Ashley enjoyed helping clients of all ages navigate challenging healthcare situations. She especially loved working with her senior adult clients and decided to transition to the role of Geriatric Care Manager. Ashley is grateful for the opportunity to continue providing support, guidance, advocacy, and care management for senior adults and their families.
Ashley brings a warm, compassionate, thoughtful, and collaborative approach to her work. She partners with her clients and families, walks with them through their journey, and empowers them with the support and resources they need to understand their options, make difficult decisions, and optimize their quality of life.
Ashley loves spending time with her husband, son, and golden retriever. She enjoys baking, traveling, beautiful sunsets, and watching football.